Sustainability. We want to be a force for good.

We have a responsibility for the impact we have on the world around us, and we want to be a force for good in the communities where we are present.

Bonnier feels a special responsibility to ensure our society is more open, interesting, entertaining and well-informed.

Our efforts with sustainability are managed on a daily basis as close to our operations as possible. Bonnier is a decentralized group, and subsidiaries set their own sustainability goals connected to their respective business areas.

Read more about how our companies work with sustainability.

As the parent company, the Bonnier Group has identified five areas central to sustainability efforts and providing a long-term benefit to society. Every business should work to minimize our total carbon footprint and with our unique values, contribute to the common core values of diversity, responsible management, a good working environment – and protecting freedom of speech. Bonnier has a unique responsibility when it comes to the focus area Freedom of Speech. We have stood up for free speech throughout the company’s more than 200-year history, and in recent years it is more important than ever to support. An open and pluralistic public dialog is the foundation for democracy.


Five Focus Areas

Freedom of Speech
Bonnier should be Sweden’s leading force for widespread freedom of speech and for a free press. We see an open society and free speech as crucial sustainability issues.
Read more about the Freedom of Speech focus area

Environmental and Resource Efficiency

Bonnier’s impact on the environment is relatively limited and varies among the different businesses. We work to minimize our direct impact where it is relevant.
Read more about the Environmental and Resource Efficiency focus area


Our companies should contribute to an inclusive society where more people can participate. We are convinced that more perspectives result in better products and services, for the user, for our companies and for the society we wish to reflect.
Read more about the Diversity focus area

Our Employees
Creating environments where people can help develop and develop themselves, be challenged and challenge while also dealing with the rapid changes society and business are undergoing is a key factor for success. Our companies should offer fair career opportunities, regardless of gender or background.
Read more about the Our Employees focus area

Responsible Management
As a family-owned media company, we are especially committed to running our businesses with a view to the long term, with well-supported ethical guidelines and a functioning whistle-blower system. We plan for generations, not quarters.
Read more about the Responsible Management focus area

News Within Sustainability